Thursday, April 17, 2008

Raising Money

In order to obtain the greatest success for my project, I have decided to contact businesses in our local community to contribute to my cause. As I have been a Cabarrus County resident my entire life, I have personally had the opportunity to watch our community's compassionate benevolence! I am so excited as I have already raised a good amount of money and hope to continue raising more! Many Harrisburg and Concord businesses have generously donated and I am receiving more phone calls everyday! I spoke at the Harrisburg Town Council Meeting a couple weeks ago concerning my senior project and discussing my hopeful plans! They council members generously agreed to donate $200 dollars from the town of Harrisburg! Now, all that is left to do is simply put out flyers and get ready for the big day (May 1oth)! I hope that it will be a huge success!

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